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"Alone we are strong, TOGETHER  we are stronger!"

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Team Leaders:
 Combined Team 
Dr. Anton Matveev

Dr. Ekaterina Zakharchenko
Dr. Alexey Koval

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Assistant of Kuban State Medical University and gynecological minimal invasive surgeon at private clinic in Krasnodar, Russia. Main fields of professional interest are deep infiltrated endometriosis, pelvic organ prolapse and uterine myoma.

He is the member of Winners group since it was founded in 2012. Anton is the mentor of European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery and he has GESEA diplomas for all levels. Dr. Anton Matveev regularly participates in most congresses and meetings, and try to follow Professor Wattiez everywhere in Europe

A Doctor, Department of gynecology (and treatment of septic postpartum complications) 

Mariinskaya Hospital, St-Petersburg, Russia

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Gynecological surgeon in the Moscow Regional Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (MONIIAG).
From 2012 he has attended 4 Winners Meetings as a participant.
The main professional interests are minimally invasive surgery in gynecology, robotic surgery, doctor training. Since 2015, he has trained over 400 doctors.

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Team #1 Members:

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Dr. Patimat

OB/GYN specialist at Mariinskaya Hospital, St.Petersburg, since 2012. Main interests: reproductive surgery, minimally invasive surgery, especially deep endo, prolapses. She has obtained lots of knowledge visiting ESGE conferences, IRCAD courses and practicing Gladiator Rules at Karl Storz office in Sao-Paolo, Brazil (2014). 


Dr Patimat has already visited most of Winners meetings (except the 2 first) and is happy to take part in its online edition. 

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Dr. Diana

OB/GYN specialist, just finished her residency in August 2020. She was a member of laparoscopy group since 3rd year of medical school (the First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg), her group took the 1st place in 2018 in Russian «Laparoscopic games» among other students in different cities.

Dr Diana herself (being still a resident) won the 1st place in Laparoscopic suturing competition (among young doctors and residents) in Moscow in February 2020. She is definitely the Golden Needle-holder of our team!:)

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Dr. Daria Sleptsova

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Dr. Seadet Asadova

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Dr. Julia Globa

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Dr. Svyatoslav

OB/GYN specialist at the First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg since 2014. Main interests: minimally invasive surgery, mainly deep infiltrative endometriosis, but Dr Kruglov doesn’t stop practicing obstetrics. He is a really adorable teacher, his students never miss any of his lectures.

He is working on his Phd about functional results after nerve-sparing surgery in patients with retrocervical endometriosis. 

Dr Svyatoslav is a keen traveler and has a professional YouTube channel. 

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Dr. Tatiana

OB/GYN specialist at Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St-Petersburg, since 2014. Main interests: laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, vaginal surgery. She is now working on her Phd about optimization of vaginal hysterectomy with the help of electrosurgery.

Dr Tatiana attended an IRCAD course in Brazil in 2018, since then she is practicing laparoscopic suturing on a model every day and brushing her teeth mostly with left hand (to become truly bimanual:). 

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Dr. Elena

Gynecological surgeon in the Moscow Regional Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (MONIIAG).  

The main professional interests are minimally invasive surgery in gynecology, prolapse surgery.

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Dr. Alexander

Dr. Alexander Idashkin is the gynecologist in the Endoscopic Surgery Department in the Moscow Regional Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology under the supervision of prof. Popov Alexander.

Dr. Idashkin passed a training course at the University Clinic of Clermont- Ferrand.

His area of interest: gynecological oncology, deep infiltrating endometriosis, pelvic organ prolapse.

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Dr. Anastasiaa

Since 2014 is certified for ultrasound imaging, laparoscopy, and hysteroscopy. 

And since 2016 trains doctors on hysteroscopy in MONIIAG. The main professional interests are minimally invasive surgery and intrauterine surgery.

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Dr. Tyurina

Gynecological surgeon in the Moscow Regional Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (MONIIAG).

The main professional interests are minimally invasive surgery in gynecology Since 2014, she has trained over 250 doctors.

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